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XanderXT said:
Dusk said:
XanderXT said:
Dusk said:
XanderXT said:
Dusk said:
veritaz said:

Have you seen him in Metal Gear Rising? They made the right call. Raiden is faster and stronger than Wolverine and the blade he got from Sam could cut through adamantium.

Except Wolvie's adamantium claws would rip through Jack and slice him into bits. Since as they said, Wolverine has hit the dude that can move faster than the speed of sound, he would catch a few hits and slice and dice. Would be sliced into threads before he ever reached the 'ripper' state. Long before. 

Raiden is Mach 2000. Wolverine is Mach 5. Guess who's faster.

I didn't argue that. Read what I said again. Raiden is faster, but since Wolverine has landed blows on equally as fast of foes, likely due to his instincts, he would land blows against Raiden and with that, slice and dice. Raiden has nothing that would stop the claws from going through. Actually, his claws would go right through the sword in the first place.

No it wouldn't. Raiden'can strike with enough force to cut through buildings and machines built to survive nuclear wars

Right, but they aren't made of adamantium. There are only a few characters in the Marvel universe that can break adamantium. 

The problem with their example of the adamantium melting is that it's not true adamantium, it's a secondary adamantium (inferior adamantium). Even the Hulk couldn't out right break adamantium and he's one of the strongest beings in the universe. King Thor melted it with might and magic, but not brute force, but that is FAR beyond anything Raiden has. Wolverine has survived nuclear war as well.

The problem with this is that Wolverine is nearly indestructable even though he isn't super powerful. Raiden wouldn't be able to kill him. They showed his head being chopped off lol, he wouldn't be able to get through his spine in order to do it.  Wolverine takes a beating by nearly everyone that he fights, but he just keeps going and going like the energizer bunny. That's how he overcomes. Raiden is still a cyborg, he can be killed. That's the main difference here. All his strength, speed and abilities don't mean too much of he has no way of killing him. Plus he would run out of fuel long before Wolverine were to give up. 

Neither Thor or Hulk cut things at a molecular scale. That's why they don't destroy adamantium. Besides, how do you know it's secondary adamatium? There's no proof it is.

Because it says so in the video, and the comic. Any adamantium with a secondary name is inferior to pure adamantium. It's generally used so that it becomes malliable or able to be formed. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.