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JEMC said:

Player2 said:

As the soon-to-be only spanish guy in the forums I'm the only one qualified to make this question:

How do you like the potato omelette, with or without onions?

Does it mean that I'll have to watch my back from now on?
Por cierto, la tortilla siempre con cebolla, aunque no demasiada

Nope. Aren't you guys leaving Spain? That's why

Ka-pi96 said:
Player2 said:

As the soon-to-be only spanish guy in the forums I'm the only one qualified to make this question:

How do you like the potato omelette, with or without onions?

:o what's happening to Wright? Please don't hurt him

After Catalonia leaves Rajoy will need another region that is the source of all evil so he can emerge as the defender of spanishness to get votes. The process will happen again and again... Canarias has its own national party so eventually it'll be its turn