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I don't think it will. Fallout 4 will have a good chance and the Witcher 3 left a very good impression in most peoples minds, the upcoming DLC will put it back on the radar as well. But if there's one thing games like Alien Isolation (79) and Until Dawn (80) have taught me, its that enjoyment doesn't translate into metacritic scores and vice versa. The Phantom Pain has reviewed very well but almost every forum I visit has very polarizing views on the game (moreso than the Witcher imo, and that was mainly due to bugs and console performance). Even though I'm only a few hours in nothing so far (apart from the prologue) screams revolutionary or GOTY. The game is very polished and gameplay is good but Im not sure if it has the "X Factor".

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine