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Samus Aran said:
Kowan said:
Samus Aran said:
Kowan said:

Play it before you judge it. It was made to have a b-horror movie plot. That's the whole point of the game, to play with that concept. But the unique thing about Until dawn is how it make you control that concept and how characters will change depending on your choices. Do you want this character to follow the archetype seemingly set upon by the story so far or do you want to change that? And you can do so if you want. This game got more reviews because it's new, it was unexpected and it grabbed people's attention. Don't be so bitter just because your faves didn't get the same attention or in an even more shallow reason, didn't get more reviews, when the fact is those games you mentioned don't need so many reviews to prove that they are good games. People already know them, they're already established games but people are still new to Until Dawn. It's a new game, a new IP so obviously it will get more attention specially if it's a good one.

All of those things have been done countless times before. I'm not surprised some people try to spin this as being innovative though. We even had a thread here about how holding your controller still during a game as being the most innovative thing this generation.

I'm not bitter, merely asking a question. Stop being so defensive all the time.

Popular games usually get more reviews . To say they don't need reviews makes no sense.

So why is Until Dawn not deserving of getting more reviews when it is indeed a popular game? You complaining about this game getting more reviews than your favorite games is being bitter. And did I say that they do not need reviews? I said that they don't need that many reviews. It's already been established that they are great games, they're not games unfamiliar to people but Until Dawn IS so people will want to try them out. People tend to be more curious about an entirely new game than a sequel.

Popular games get more reviews on metacritic, that's a fact. GoW: A has more reviews than Until Dawn for example.

Just because a franchise was great in the past doesn't mean current games will be great as well, just look at Sonic. Every new game needs reviews, even if it belongs to a respected franchise.

I'm not complaining, nor bitter, just asking why a game that won't set any sales charts on fire is getting so many reviews.

"People tend to be more curious about an entirely new game than a sequel". Yeah, no.

Also this game already has more reviews than Splatoon which is:

- A new IP

- More innovative and fresh than Until Dawn

- More popular

- Will sell better

Merely asking why it gets so many reviews. Yet to hear a convincing reason.

Fact is nothing will convince you. If it's not a Nintendo game, it will most likely won't. 

The fact that you keep on comparing UD to a Nintendo game that you like just proves how bitter you are.