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spurgeonryan said:

Pansexual, gay marriage, transexual, etc.

Every single time people go mental over the subject. By mental I mean tons of posts,  heated arguments, etc.

Spiderman being Pansexual? Who freaking cares! Would you hire a Transexual? Ofcourse! Why not?

I do not understand the neverending drama over it.

Simply put? Because most people feel uncomfortable with the issue and there´s lot of, let´s say, extremism in every front.

The way people deal with their sexuality (no matter if they´re homo or heterossexual or whatever) is something very, very particular of each person, and it is directly related to many aspects of the formation of its personality (cultural background, beliefs, fears, family relationships etc.) but many people don´t understand that. They think that sexuality can be resumed to a few concepts or "logical" ideas, but it can´t.  Sexuality is personal and its a complex issue, and but many people still insist in treating it as something small and public. Then the issues, discussions, arguments start.