Hiku said:
1.) Fire Emblem: Awakening - 296:38 2.) Pokemon X - 154:14 3.) Shin Megami Tensei IV - 90:26 4.) Virtue's Last Reward: Zero Escape - 60:58 5.) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - 27:47 6.) Bravely Default - 23:12 7.) Mario kart 7 - 18:04 8.) Project X Zone - 16:33 9.) Bravely Default Demo - 12:33 10.) Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies - 6:55
The bolded game is one I see a lot of you haven't played, and probably should give a chance. There's a demo of it on the e-shop. Keep in mind that it's a sequel to 999 from DS. Not neccesary to playin order to enjoy it, but it adds a lot if you have.
If the thread was for the top 25 most played games on 3DS it would be on my list:
25.) Virtues Last Reward (38:21)
Finished all paths and enjoyed it, despite not playing the precedessor. I can second your recommendation.