If Amazon is anything to go by then the Destiny bundle is going to dominate the month. High on the chats in August and high on the charts now in the final week leading up to its release. It is interesting to contemplate the possibility that at least for the first couple of weeks of September PS4 sales could be relatively low and Xb one might win a couple of weeks, but will end up behind PS4 for the month because of the Destiny bundle.
I'm mostly glad to see Until Dawn holding up well and at more or less full price still. It's an interesting case study in what makes a new IP game with a good, but not great, metascore succeed.
“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix