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DLC and pre ordering, is seen as the plague of the industry , however I don't think it's as bad as people make it seem, game development and marketing costs have skyrocked and devs and publishers hve to recoup costs, I have no problem with dlc as long as the game doesn't feel gimped, that it is a full robust experience enhanced by dlc. Pre ordering for me is just an incentive to get gamers to buy a game and get better word of mouth, and like i said as long as the main game is a fleshed out robust experience , i do think arkham knight was overkill andif all the pre order dlc was packed inthe game it would have ,ade a much better experience ( along with better boss battles ( origins beat it badly in this ) , less batmobile , and better closure between the bat and the knight )

what are your thoughts??

edit: as i have seen this game mentioned a bit , uncharted 4 you have to remember the game was delayed so the dlc ( which is always planned and devloped a good deal before release most times ) probably had to be announced earlier than expected