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These people aren't coming here for a vacation or because they "felt like it", they're fleeing from war, terror, extremism, oppression, etc. They're leaving their whole lives behind for a dangerous, in many cases fatal, journey into unfamiliar lands, with no other personal properties except for what they could fit into a backpack. Access to clean water, food, medicine, means to take care of personal hygiene, etc. is in no way guaranteed. Some are old, crippled, sick; some are parents dragging their children along to hopefully find a safe place for them to live in, fully knowing that the children might get lost or die along the way; some are young ones desperately doing what they can to not let go of the hand that leads them.
I feel for these people and I want the European nations to do as much as possible for them.

It's not an optimal situation by any means and I'm sure most would agree (both Europeans and refugees) that it would be better if they could just continue to live their lives in their own countries. But with the current situation in the Middle-East that's just not possible and because of that we have these massive waves of refugees pouring into Europe. They have nowhere else to go. We can't really expect them to drop dead or vanish into thin air, can we? So what else can we do but to let them into Europe and make the best out of the situation.