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Michelasso said:
Nem said:

I'm confused. Do you mean by loud minority, the ones that didnt enjoy the game? Because sales of the sequals paint a very clear picture on that. They are clearly the majority. There are obviously those that enjoyed it though, but i would say those were the minority looking at sales numbers.

If you read my previous answer I meant in terms of critics and user reviews and in terms of popularity. FF XIII (the first game) started to be trashed even before it was launched in the west and still it sold a lot getting good and great user reviews from people who played it.

Then I was talking about FF XIII. For exampe my brother and nephew love it (and my nephew is also a big fan of FF IX) but they dispise FF XIII-2. They don't like the "pokemons" and hate that time jumping crap (who doesn't..). The fact that SE was all about Lightning, while many didn't like her I'm sure didn't help either. As it didn't help to know that the story ended with a cliffhanger.

Then what can I say? I waited to buy LR: FXIII myself because I've been decived by the bad reviews. I played it and I've found it great, the best of the trilogy. I personally like the combat system. It's the first FF game that actually requires some skills (the grinding is awfully long, though) and SE has been accused even for that. While I find the turn based combat cool but that's  because it is relaxing.

I do think the LR looked much better because they ditched the old combat system. The problem is that by then no one cared anymore.