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DerNebel said:

So your whole argument for FFXIII not being bad is "look at XII"?

I didn't say XIIs story and characters are good, they aren't, but the game was open and had tons of different stuff to do. And the combat certainly was a lot more tactical than XIIIs, plus it didn't have that stupid thing where when the leader dies it's game over. Tons of prior FF games had good side content, VI-IX most definitely had it. In XIII you don't even have optional Summons to find. For like 20 hours or more of the game it gives you no other option but to strictly follow its path.

Bolded: Are you trying to redefine RPG elements are now?

And if you're trying to suggest that VII, VIII and X are worse than XIII then just lol.

FFXII combat was.. tactical? I've beaten Yiazmat in two rounds starting the battle and going to the pub. Three considering that the first time it failed so I had to reprogram the gambits (I just raised the required health for healing). Sure, some bosses required more (some) interaction but for the most part the game can play by itself. Not even pressing X. Actually I pressed more the Pause button to change the gambits.