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In 2012, both American parties spent over a billion dollars each campaigning. Both Obama and Romney were so set financially that they turned down the government funds normally allotted for campaigns. While the campaign donations by nonhuman entities was not incredibly high for either (Obama's top five donators in 2012 were colleges, liberal tech companies, and somehow the US government despite turning down federal funds, Romney's were all finance companies, and neither was more than $4 million between either top five), there was a billion dollars unaccounted for on both sides because of Super PACs spending limitless sums of money to run attack ads. That's two billion dollars for the election, most likely 70+% of which was donated by companies rather than people.

If you wanna see how bad the Citizens United ruling was for US politics, watch Colbert's segments on the PAC/Super PAC. Incredibly easy to understand just how corrupt it can get and how easy it is to muddy a politician's well of donations with hundreds of millions of dollars they shouldn't be able to get or use.

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!