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The migrant crisis in Europe is dominating the news right now.  I just wanted to know what people in Europe thought about the whole ordeal.  Are you concerned with the amount of migrants?  Are you afraid of wages being suppressed by people willing to work for less than you make?  Are you concered about the ability of your government to bare so many people? Would you only be willing to accept people displaced by war and deport those only there for economic reasons?  I could ask a billion more questions but I just want your thoughts on the topic.

There are pictures now showing up of many dead in back of semi trucks (happens a decent amount in USA with Mexican/Central America immigrants).  There is now a picture of a young dead boy on the beach in Turkey.  I see the extreme right rising in Europe (anti-Muslim/Neo Nazis).  I believe people can only accept so many people from another region before they start getting angry and fearful about the strain on government and their way of life.