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MikeRox said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:

Dreamcast stuff can vary greatly depending on condition. I dont know what you had in your dreamcast set or what you got for it, but i'd imagine a Wii U set in 5 years will sell for about the same amount as it would now, barring the console. I expect the console to depreciate in value greatly, but the games i'd expect to stay roughly the same. And then you can factor amiibos into this as well. Who knows what those will end up being worth years down the road. Too hard to guess at this juncture. 

It was a complete PAL set (including Taxi 2) along with about 50 US imports and another 100 Japanese imports.

I got back more than I paid for it :) which I won't complain at given the thousands of hours of entertainment it provided. They seem to fetch far less now haha. But digital availability is ultimately going to kill a lot of the value of physical titles now.

This is why I chose to collect Vita cards. Could well be the last system worth collecting for.

Wii U prices will be heavily dictated by whether NX is a) Wii U compatible and b) if Wii U software is downloadable on NX. If it is, 

wow a complete PAL set, that is incredible! Japanese versions of games tend to be worth much less than NA and PAL versions when it comes to dreamcast. Complete collections tend to drive prices up quite a bit too.

PSV is an interesting one. I know it has a lot of really cool exclusive japanese titles here in NA. Those may be worth something. I do see the Wii U and 3DS being great collection pieces moving forward, and I wouldnt be surprised seeing PSV being included in that.

edit: i for some reason missed your last paragraph. downloadable games havent really seemed to affect physical releases in most cases that I have seen. When the Wii introduced VC, physical copies of the games were not affected in any negative way. In fact, they have skyrocketed since then. I fully expect Nintendo to make Wii U games downloadable on NX and future consoles for, well, basically forever. I have a feeling though that it isn't going to make the physical copies worth less.