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My hype has just been dampened substantially. In order to progress you have to build more FOBs for your Mother base. In order to build those FOBs you have to earn GMP. You can get GMP from playing and replaying missions but it's a grind. You can easily access two FOBs but that means only two people you can send out into the field to research for upgrades and additions to your arsenal. Early mission only take 15 - 20 minutes so you'll only have to wait 15 - 20 minutes to get those TWO things you want. Later missions can take well over an hour. Konami have an answer to this:

So they've basically slowed down the process so you may feel obliged to pay real money to progress at a decent speed. They're introducing 'grind' into MGS in order to nickel and dime you. I'm now not sure I'm going to be buying this game.


The PS5 Exists.