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The constitution demands 2 things Freedom OF/freedom from religion and a clear separation of church and state. The problem we face today is because in the US those two commands are ignored. Do we need to tax religion? Absolutely. There is nothing in our constitution that guarantees a free ride. In fact it's quite the opposite. We need to keep religion out of government, politics, and public events/services. This is suppose to be a secular nation where anyone can worship the religion of their choosing. We don't have that now. Now there is one religion that tries to inject itself into every fascist of life with government sponsorship. That's not right and unconstitutional. Religion is a private matter and should be kept private. Do we need to regulate religion? I don't know but we need to stop sponsoring it and forcing it down everyone's throats because that is infringing on everyone's rights.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)