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I dunno. I bought the game before any of this stuff was announced. They made a game, I bought it, I played it, I liked it. What do I care if they re-released it on another platform with more stuff? In the same vein, even though amiibo implementation like this has annoyed me in the past, I feel like I have no reason to be bothered by it since it wasn't even announced until long after I had already finished the game. Plus there's all the upcoming free DLC that didn't factor into my decision to purchase the game; that stuff is all just icing on the cake.

Nintendo fans. Yeesh. Third parties give us the extra-special editions of a bunch of PS3/360 games, we complain they're just late ports. Shovel Knight is a late port on Sony & MS platforms, we complain we didn't get the extra-special edition. Hey, guys. This game is either missing content or a late port on virtually every platform it's available on. Don't play the victim.

For what it's worth, the 3DS version does have an exclusive StreetPass mode. It's light, but they still made the effort of giving the system something unique.

Also, I'm calling the OP out. You say you heard great things and you want the game, yet you offer no explanation for your failure to buy it in the six-month window between its Nintendo release and its announcement (along with that of the exclusive boss) for PlayStation platforms. I would assume you're one of those people who is allergic to digital games, but you mention Shovel Knight costing $15 on all platforms. If you were solely interested in the physical release, you would have used the physical version price of $20.