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Wright said:

But why can't a damsel in distress be rescued by a female knight, though?

Alternatively, why can't the damsel in distress be a guy? Something on the lines of:

And there is the disconnect.  The article talks about realistic but does anyone actually want most games to be realistic?  How many female knights were there?  How many female spec ops soldiers are there?  We're actually fine with "lies" told in video-games, it's just that some people think that the lies told about women should conform with feminist expectations.  That's kind of silly.  The entire medium is built around the atypical and the fantastic.

I mean, Ivy often gets talked about because her breast size is ridiculous.  Isn't everything about Ivy ridiculous?  It's like complaining X-fighters in Star Wars shouldn't be able to fly in atmosphere because it's not realistic.  Should we really worry about making Soul Calibur true-to-life?

Of course, that in no way means I wouldn't like to see more quality female characters in video-games and I have no problems with discarding some super predictable tropes--mostly because that means improving the writing--though it must be said that many tropes are there because they work.  You're going to find just as many tropes in media written to appeal to women, and many of them are going to be "lies" about men.

Which, really, makes me wonder why games get judged differently.  Are there any feminists stepping up and saying that the way men are portrayed in romance novels is sexist and needs to change?  Because if there are, I will be much more willing to believe they aren't being one-sided.