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used to be big into arcade games like galaga, and several others,
played early Final Fantasy games like Mystic Quest, 2(IV), 3(VI), and 7 then stopped, also other early rpgs that I can't remember,
command & conquers and red alerts, tiny tank, other war vehicle games,
call of duty (likes ww2 ones better than modern but still plays modern ones, now battlefields,
uncharted series and tomb raiders (especially early ones),
star wars galaxies for years, SWTOR for a lil bit, star wars alliance, roque squadron, several other sw.


Played Star Wars Galaxies for years and years,
Some old bass fishing game on SNeS,
Final Fantasy X and 12 (loved 10),
Diner Dash, Cake Mania, Chocolateer,
Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim,