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Soundwave said:
LivingMetal said:

What's legal isn't always moral, and what's illegal isn't always immoral.  And I never said hacking wasn't illegal or immoral.  Also, my commited wife of 20+ years just bought me a new Mazda 6 2016.  Paid in full.  And we has sex two nights ago, not last night. Life sucks.

That's kinda of why have things called "laws" ... and a "legal process". Otherwise you'd have 10 different idiots trying to inject their version of "morality" on everyone else. 

Relationships are not a "one size fits all" type thing either. People need to stop acting like what applies to them should apply to every other person on the planet. 

Here was my original post...

"All actions have consequences. If you cannot deal with the potential outcome, don't commit the action."

So whatever you're reading from me is all made up just because I've made a perfectly valid point that you cannot successful argue.  So here's a little something for you...

Is this Hallmark enough for you?