RubberWhistleHistle said:
I'm not trying to get a rise out of you, I'm just passionate about this subject because I've seen what this kind of shit does. Props to you for trying to be as rational as possible about it, but I'll tell you now, it might be easier said than done. Once you really consider that this filth was watching a movie right next to you while thinking about somebody else, still having sex with you, not caring what kind of shit is being spread from fucking someone else or multiple other people, and lies to you on a daily basis about what they are doing, it might be s little bit harder than you think, and you just might be really thankful that they were exposed before you got somebody else's std. And that's another thing, now you have to go out of your way to get tested unless you are cool with not being 100% sure. |
I've seen what it can do as well. A male friend of mine was cheated on a few years ago. And then he met a woman who was infinitely better and more suited for him. And they just got married 2 and a half weeks ago. And the person who cheated is now engaged to the one she cheated with. If she didn't cheat, they might still be together, in their "tolerating each other" kind of marriage. My point isn't that the cheating was a good thing. My point is that everyone's circumstance is different. And we don't get to decide the punishment for these people just because we've deemed them morally inferior. Nobody has the right to make that judgement except the people involved. Period.