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kn said:
TheRealMafoo said:
A few data points to help with your decision.

If you have a 1080p TV at home, it will look even better. No TV under 32" is 1080p, and you were probably not playing on a TV that big in the store.

I never played the demo, so I can't compare, but the shadows are an issue in the release version. Not bad, but if your staring at them, you can see some odd effects.

The physics is top notch. I think it's as good or better then F2. The problem however, is your opposition gets to defy them. When they slide into the dirt, they drive just like they were on the asphalt. You get the luxury of driving like your on dirt ;)

I don't recall what the opposition does in Forza 2 since I don't notice the AI cars go off track much.  They seem to brake hard and swerve to avoid accidents even if you are the one initiating contact.  They always seem to drive within their limits.

As far as vehicle controls, I'll be honest -- I drove with most turned on in Forza 2 except to experiment without them.  On the demo at the Kiosk, I didn't have time to get really deep -- just 30 minutes -- so the driving aids were all turned on.  I would say that the physics models between the two are quite similar including overall handling, car behavior, track line holding etc., but in Forza 2 I just felt it was a tiny bit more responsive with all of the aids turned on and the car itself seemed to be a bit more "alive".  All that said, it was a brief play session and wouldn't render judgement on the game until I've had a bunch of time to play it.  Without a PS3, that's not going to happen for a while but then that's life.  You know, bills and such?

In the end I suspect that the final game will be an exceptional experience given where it is today.  I question whether a Forza 3 will be able to pull off the same things in its next iteration.  Heres to hoping, though, as the competition is great for us -- better games than ever before... 

Yea, there are subtle differences between the two, and it's hard to say what's better. It's just a matter of preference. If you are looking for the best racing experiences this year, I feel it will probably be GRiD. And the 360 and PS3 versions will probably be the same. If you’re looking for a PS3 just for racing, I would just get GRiD in a few months and pickup a PS3 when the real GT5 comes out.

The biggest problem with GT5:p, is not what we listed, those things are just nit picking between two great games. It’s the fact that it’s only part of a game, and it feels as such. As much fun as it is, I always feel like something is missing.

I love the PS3, and if you have a few reasons to want one, and GT5:p is the straw that broke the camel’s back, go get one! :)

If this is what you want one for, I would wait, at least until the next major update to it.