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mah062 said:
Rustuv said:

Except there are as many white people on welfare. Also red states claim more welfare than blue states, and one of the largest groups of people claiming food stamps actually work their asses off, but because they work for walmart they don't make enouh money to feed their families forcing the government to subsidize them. We could save the tax payers a shit ton of money if corporations paid good wages that people could live on.

Omg... Where to even start? When you say "as many", you mean number of people on welfare. Yes I agree with you. But what you are missing, is the fact that whites make up a much larger portion of our population than blacks. Red states like Louisiana have many many African Americans and illegal immigrants than the blue states do. And those two minorities make up a HUGE chunk of the welfare in the U.S.

And do you realize what happens when a corporation is forced to raise their wages? They have to cut costs and the first action they take is to cut employees. So if wages go up, so does unemployment. Wages will rise when unemployment is low because corporations will have to essentially get into a bidding war to hire someone. But at the moment there is NO SHORTAGE of people who can work a cash register or flip burgers.

Now that I've disproven everything you mentioned. NEXT...

Oh and to add to that, People who make better money, spend more, they create the demand and more jobs, "NOT THE JOB CREATORS" Another word smithed by Frank Luntz. So people get better paying jobs, more hours and benefits. We did it in the 1950's buddy and it was the biggest middle class the world has every seen. People on average made 90,000 a year in todays money with inflation, today we make an average of 45,000 and new estimates have it even lower. Give me a break dude you're using gradeschool economics to pay people worse, treat them worse etc.

What about Nixon opening up China? Hmmmm what effect did that have?


Oh and you didn't disprove anything you used fox news talking points that are used to trick people... They use focuse groups and word smither Frank Luntz to trick people that don't critically think. All you have done is show that you have never studied economics accept by watching corporate news.

Now that I have disproven 3rd grade economics. NEXT!!!