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Mummelmann said:

When I bought The Witcher 3, I did so on the GOG store, even though I prefer the Steam client and the price was the same, this is because I wanted the developer to get the whole sum and a show of support for someone who has tried to improve the industry rather than yell at consumer habbits and market developments.
Companies like EA and Ubisoft are only making things worse by offering DRM that cripples the experience, EA even going so far as to installing spy kits on your computer if you want to use their client, this is why I love CDProjekt so much, and Valve as well; being a gamer in the digital age should be easier and not harder (as is the case with Origin and Uplay).

PS: Seeing that music sales are down that much is no shocker, with music streaming having taken chunks out of the pie for years and CD's being more or less a fading memory, this has as much to do with the digital revolution as it does piracy, if not more. With streaming services, both record labels and artists/performers make considerably less per song/album, so inflation and population adjustments and most other factors wouldn't matter either way.

Or you could turn that reasoning upside down. Condemn those companies that try to prtect their investment, aka blame the victim, while applauding the company that admits defeat and says it's ok to pirate their game, yet at the same time turns to locked down consoles to still make a profit.
Btw Steam started the whole online drm stuff with Half-life 2...

As for the music industry, piracy has greatly devalued music. The price people are willing to pay for digital music is much less than it was for physical. Now you have services like Spotify that hardly pay the artists anything, yet they can't charge the customers more as people will only pay a little for the convenience of having everything in one place.
It has already transferred to video games. Game streaming isn't deemed worth more than a Netflix subscription by many, which is already ridiculously low. Which I actually don't mind, physical games will exist for a long time still, unless the game industry likes to go through the same devaluation as the music industry did.