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2008ProchargedGT said:
binary solo said:

Not every Halo fan can afford the extra $100 for what is effectively cosmetic shit that doesn't do much for the actual gaming experience. So you can expect a very decent hardware spike on launch week, as well as the week prior to launch when all the H5 bundles actually ship.

A bit surprised that the Madden bundle, which is alrteady shippinng, is so low down the list. It might be doing better at normal retailers I suppose. Still, aside from the games as big as CoD, I don't think multiplat games that are the second iteration for a generation and are still on last gen consoles do much for hardware sales.

You think Sony will do a special edition CoD bundle or just a pack in? I think a SE CoD bundle would murder the Holiday's even tho its loosing popularity

Maybe a special box, but not a special console. The Destiny and MGS limited edition consoles are coming out sufficiently before CoD that a special box with game packed in would do well enough. Depending on what Sony has coming exclusively next Oct/Nov I could see a limited edition CoD PS4 for 2016.

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Jimi Hendrix