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@Goodnightmoon, the point was 7 games is barely anything.
Why dont you make a Wii U release 2016 list, that has Indies and 3rd party on it?
(doesnt Mighty No. 9 fall under indie/3rd party btw?)

Im kinda curious how many games the Wii U so far will get in 2016.


" make lists with sense, is not a good list just because is big, jesus, there are even DLC counted as a game in that list!!"

I basically just copy&pasted it from


Point still stands, 7 games isnt really alot.

Of that list the only 2 games that intrest me are "Zelda U" & "Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem".

Thats not really alot to look forwards to for a intire year.