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I'm not too happy with the cover art or price as far as potential goes.

Carnival Games does so well because it's immediately obvious to anyone at all what to expect from it. MySims benefits from Sims familiarity and RRR benefits from A) being a launch title B) Being cheap and fun C) Good word of mouth (RRR2 benefits from the success of RRR)

Boom Blox is not an immediately obviously fun game. Nor does the cover art really give a good indication of why the game is fun. It's has no branding (like Sims) nor is it cheap.

So to be successful it really depends on - Advertising, Brand power of Spielburg, great word of mouth and addictive gameplay.

Zack & Wiki is a great game (and still selling modest amounts weekly) but even good word of mouth isn't helping this game be very successful (I do thing it'll eventually break a million, if it gets sequels)