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AlfredoTurkey said:

Yeah but, the stories start and end the same. It's the same three stories which I already know the ending to. I'm not buying a movie ticket to see a movie that I have already seen. I'm not buying a book for which I know the ending to.

If I want to buy a game, I buy it... beat it... then put it on a shelf. This way, if I want to play it again, I can. Buying the same exact game with the same exact plot and ending? Doesn't make any sense to me at all.

You have never watched a movie twice? Like go to an anniversary screening of a movie you like? Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween...

You wouldn't buy a good book based on a true story because you know the ending to it already? Into Thin Air, Seven Years in Tibet...whatever you like... a biography of a famous person...


Maybe so, but then this collection is not for you. It is for me and people like me that never bought the originals because I didn't own a PS3, for those who sold their PS3 console and for those that perhaps never had interest in it but now their interests change.

Plenty of people to justify a collection, I doubt that Sony expects to sell 25 million copies...