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Fishy, I agree with you in principle but you're assuming sales instead of providing proof of sales. While I agree that GTAIV is likely leading them both overall, we don't have any proof of that just yet.

I've also noted how front heavy GTAIV will be. A massive portion of GTAIV sales took place on day one. Sales of MKWii and especially Wii Fit would be more spread out and not as day one front heavy. Meaning that GTAIV could have sold more in that first day than Wii Fit will all week but since GTAIV had a huge front day, it's possible Wii Fit is currently outselling it on an hourly basis.

When the weekly numbers come in, we'll have a clearer picture but it should also be understood that Amazon tracks hourly sales such that in that one hour, Wii Fit very likely was outselling GTAIV at Amazon.

Your thread would work better if you suggest that everyone only use Amazon for exactly what it is, a single segment of the market that is representative only of itself and only for that hour.

The rEVOLution is not being televised