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DerNebel said:
It's mindbolggling to me how MS could misjudge the market so much so that they would think forcebundling the Kinect was a good idea.

Actually I thought bundling Kinect was a sound strategy before it all started. But that was when I expected MS to magically be able to release an 8th gen console with Kinect autobundled and price the same as PS4. I think MS was blind-sided by PS4's $399. They were probably predicting $450 for PS4, and I think Xb one could have lived at a $50 premium, if they hadn;t screwed up on those other fronts. I think they thoughts Sony was sufficiently financially straitened to have to launch PS4 at a break even price, and if SOny had felt the need to do that they would have launched at $450. MS simply misjudged the level of aggressive pricing Sony was willing to go with. Sony got a stroke of luck with GDDR5, and MS had bad luck with their prediction on PS4 pricing. MS's educated guesses on some aspects of PS4 were reasonable, they just pretty much all turned out to be wrong.

I reckon even MS's DRM decisions were based on an assumption that EA, Activision and the like would get Sony on board with the same sort of thing. But either those publishers didn't have the conversation with Sony (because they assumed, stupidly, that Durango would be the market leader and hence set the tone for DRM), or they did have the conversation with Sony and Sony said feck off, or Sony said, "Interesting, we'll think about it. Is MS on board?" When the big publishers said, "Yeah, MS is totally on board", Sony said "OK we'll take it to the board and come back to you." while trying to keep a straight face. Then when the Sony folks were all alone they fist bumped and said "Yessssss! MS is screwed, they're going to announce DRM and we're going to reject it. Put a fork in the 8th gen, it's done!" 

One day I hope some industry insiders spill the beans on what went down with DRM. It seems crazy that MS would go there all by itself, all of it's own accord. They must have sought assurances because MS actually gains almost no direct benefit from DRM.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix