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RolStoppable said:

*This thread was inspired by pointless bickering. Special thanks to Goodnightmoon and Pavolink.

The point of this thread is to determine the coolness of Nintendo fans via a multiple choice test. You will answer ten questions before a scientific scoring system will put you into one of the various categories listed in the second post of this thread. The value of each possible answer will remain a secret, because otherwise some people would outright lie in an effort to get a more favorable score. You are welcome to post your answers in a short number plus letter format. Don't forget the bonus request which gives you a chance to garner a few extra points.

Let's start.

1. How many Nintendo-published games do you own?
A) Less than 100.  I actually may own over 100 but I don't know and I don't feel like counting.

2. What's Nintendo's rank in your personal list of best console manufacturers of all time?
A) First.

3. If given the opportunity, would you spit on a competitor's system?

A) Yes. --but only to clean them.

4. If somebody criticizes Nintendo on the internet, how do you react?
A) I try to politely correct the misguided person.

5. Have you ever criticized Nintendo yourself?
A) Only when it was justified.

6. If Nintendo releases a bad game, what do you do?
A) I buy it anyway.

7. Have you ever gotten into a fight with another Nintendo fan?
A) Yes, because they were wrong.

8. What do you think about third party games?
B) Some of them are quite good.

9. If RolStoppable quotes or addresses you in a thread, how do you feel?
B) I feel guilty because I have probably done something wrong.

10. Have you answered all questions truthfully?
A) I did it to the best of my abilities.

Lastly, write down the most important reason why you think that you are a cool Nintendo fan.

Because I'm a guy that has grown up with Nintendo since the NES and I can proudly talk about Nintendo in public to strangers while still looking cool and dating reasonably hot women.