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I find them to be incredible in the same way athletes blow me away. They vary by game, but watching the combination of macro and micro strategizing in Starcraft or the impossibly precise and fast twitch abilities in shooters... It's very impressive.

I don't get the animosity, essentially. There's room for both gamers and athletes; it's not as if I lost my interest in basketball or (American) football simply because I started watching Starcraft.

*edit* I see everyone else is approaching your post like a questionnaire, so I will as well.

Do You Think Pro Gamers have no life/are awesome?: they're impressive. Any life in which you've achieved happiness and aren't harming anyone else by doing so cannot qualify as "no life". Obsessed life? Probably, but that's their prerogative.

Have you ever wished to become a pro gamer?: Based on what I've seen I don't multitask well enough for RTSs and, despite generally being very good at shooters, there's an enormous distance between my abilities and the pros. Also, I have too many other interests.

Are you a pro gamer?: No

Do you like wathching pro gamers play?: Sometimes

Is Pro Gaming Beneficial for gaming as a whole?: gaming would be fine without it, so that's a difficult question to answer. In some ways I think it has the effect of focusing us too greatly on a few games.