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Eddie_Raja said:
JEMC said:
Eddie_Raja said:
asqarkabab said:
Very good competition is great in the gpu market
I want to upgrade my gpu should i go with amd or nvidia this time ?

You're asking the wrong question.  "What GPU should I get?" is the correct question, and the answer is almost assuradly the R9 390 8GB.

If money is not a problem, I'd argue that the best option would be one of the factory overclocked 980Ti cards.

The 980Ti may have 2GB less of VRAM, but they are a lot more powerful and, let's be honest, the 390 will run out of power tu run modern games before the lack of VRAM becomes a problem for the 980Ti.

The 980 Ti is like 30-40% stronger for 100% more money.  The 390's price/performance is just unrivaled.

I agree with you, but when I told him that it's about the budget you have, he said:

asqarkabab said:
JEMC said:
asqarkabab said:
Very good competition is great in the gpu market
I want to upgrade my gpu should i go with amd or nvidia this time ?

Depends on your budget.

I want the best one that can work me for years and has juice to max out all games this year and beyound

And in that case, a 980Ti card is the best option.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.