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@kingofwale, that is foolish. We know Zen, you do too. His review is detailed and complete. Why post in here if you didn't read it? Just to talk shit about Zen? Leave that nonsense at the door.

@sc94597, again we're aware of who Zen is. His potential bias was clearly stated by announcing himself as a Wii-fanboy. His potential fanboyism didn't stop him from enjoying this game. In fact he spent $60 on it didn't he. What moron would spend $60 on a game to talk shit about it? Not Zen.

You did a great job, and coming from Zen people should be happy he likes the game and rated it so high. If you've just come in here to take the piss out of Zen because he is a self-proclaimed fanboy, please read his review because it doesn't suck. His words are that of a gamer, not the fanboy he calls himself. His final message is not unreasonable. He's telling you his situation and saying, "I'm a fanboy. I gave peace a chance, it did wonders for me and I think it would do the same for you."

On a side note, maybe they should start giving out random 1-week bans. It's seemed to give Zen some valuable insight.