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Just finished it yesterday. It was a good game, which for me only really became fun after Chapter 10, when almost all characters were unlocked and when the goal you needed to reach sometimes became different from the "Reach the exit" goal you get in most missions prior (and still sometimes after).

Storywise... There's not too much of it, which according to me is partly due to the fact that they felt the need to introduce a new playable character almost every single chapter. I get that if you design your game like that, the player will get to know all the different abilities of every single character by the end of the game, but because of that the game sometimes felt like an elongated (difficult) tutorial, which isn't all that good. If they would have just told me: here's the S.T.E.A.M. team, you can select any character you want (with the possibility to try a character's weapons and skills in a seperate tutorial), that would have left them with more room to tell an actual story.

I DID love the art style and characters... even though I'm from Europe. Fun fact: classic American literature is available everywhere! So this game shouldn't "alienate" - get it? Because it's about an alien invasion... - anyone. It's not catered to Americans, it's catered to people that are into fantastic (as in non-realistic) literature: Oz, Lovecraft, Moby Dick, Tom Sawyers, it's all there.

Enemies are mostly based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. So if anyone thinks they're bland...
Well, maybe they should have added more of his non-tentacled fiends.

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