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I turned on my television and watched some comedy central today; why? Well because I know Wii based commercials love making an appearance on that channel, I didn't see anything, granted I was watching for about an hour. (I have ADD when it comes to tv) Now recently some guys from THQ analyzed wii software sales as far as the marketing of games goes. They pretty much concluded core gamers can spot games on the internet that appeal to them thus placing ads for their games on the net is a good way to appeal to a core crowd. (Whatever core means) The more casual crowd who don't stay in the loop on what games are coming out will spend less time on the internet checking out their video game pass times progression and instead will probably have a better chance of becoming informed about a game via billboards and television. Now I understand that the big Movie guy Steven Speilburg is the key man behind the game Boom Blox, but will it even sell, just how important is this game as far as holywood mainstream goes with the video game industry. Instead of just movie tie ins will big budget movie industry seek to expand their production into video games should this succeed and if this does sell well what kind of games would holywood crank out. But will this game even sell or is it doomed, the game is supposed to appeal towards children, that means parents will be getting this fast, but how big is this game?

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D