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ReimTime said:
binary solo said:
ReimTime said:
Finally got that 500km trophy in RL. After the patch where online games counted it literally took me under a day lol. 10th platinum down! Looking to get TLOU for a second time (this time on PS4) and possibly Driveclub. Far Cry 4 is also a possibility

I'll end up missing out on the RL platinum because I have no PSN friends who play it. So I will be one trophy short.

Dude if you need someone to play with give me an add! PSN is in sig (TheReimMinister if you are on mobile)

Sure thing. I'm sure you won't mind losing one online match due to having an incompetent playing partner. Tell you what, I'll just sit in goal that way you'll have a better chance of scoring for us.

I actually really appreciate the Rocket League troiphy set because all trophies can be achieved offline except for this one. Which is a pretty unusual thing for a game that's intended to be played mostly online. The game's offline modes are actually pretty decent for people like me who aren't big fans of playing online.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix