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Wonktonodi said:
binary solo said:
I should be adding my 11th platinum with Dragon Age Inquisition this year. But I worry a bit that my Nightmare playthrough might not register. When I started up the game I chose nightmare, but after the first half hour or so I went into options and noticed it was set to normal. It would piss me off no end if my planned nightmare playthrough doesn't trigger because of a stupid glitch.

I'd have started over if I saw the difficulty change that early. Just finished the game on nightmare myself. Had an easier time this playthrough then my last when I played on hard, even without the duplication exploit or way over leveling.

Good luck to you though I'd hate to be forced to play a third time.

I will almost certainly play through at least once more. I like to play every Dragon Age game as Warrior Rogue and Mage (not necessazrily in that order). But I generally only want to play Nightmare once as I'm not into masichism, so either Hard or Normal is my usual setting if I have all of the difficulty settings trophies.

For Uncharted I initially played on Normal, but that ended up being too easy, so for UC3 I went straight to hard. Actually I think with the UC games ultra-hard mode doesn't unlock until you play hard, so that incentivises playing on hard first up too. A couple of the UC:DF trophies were rather tedious to get for a person of mediocre talent like me, so I'm not inclined to get the Nate Drake collection just to re-platinum everything.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix