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S.Peelman said:

Yeah I'm a bit disappointed in it.

I do have fun with it's games and there are some very good ones, a handful I would consider being memorable amongst the Nintendo classics even.

But when I look back at the previous generations, it pales in comparison. I don't nearly have as much fun, not nearly want to play as often, as I did in previous generations. I wasn't big on console gaming during much of the 6th generation, but even compared to it, the WiiU and the 8th gen doesn't do it for me. It's a pretty bad situation, so bad that I feel every other generation was much longer, probably because I never had to wait as much.

So is it not just me? Am I not just simply losing interest in gaming or worse, in Nintendo? It isn't. It's not me. It's the system and it's games. When I play older games, I am reminded how it used to be, it's hard to describe, it just seems better. It often seems like WiiU games took the easy way out, like Nintendo downsized the games somehow.

A lot of it has to do with the system's lack of a definitive Mario platformer, and the continued absence of a real Zelda game. Mario 3D World is an excellent game, one of the few on WiiU that I consider worthy of being mentioned amongst Nintendo's greats. Yet it's missing something. It's missing the grandeur of a true 3D Mario adventure like Mario 64 and the Galaxies before it. 3D World just can't hold the weight.

It isn't everything though. It's also the lack of something truly new. GameCube lacked this as well which is why I got turned off of console gaming for a while, something that's on the brink of happening right now as well if the handheld generation (which in contrast has been great), didn't keep me from falling. With something new I mean something that is never seen before, an innovation that keeps you hooked, something that makes your mind wander. Wii had it with it's motion control and it's new genres, N64 had it with the advent of 3D gaming. On WiiU, it somehow seems as if everything that's on it could have been released during the last two years of the Wii instead.

This isn't an issue exclusive to WiiU however. It's an issue of the entire 8th generation. I don't regret buying a WiiU, because it's still better than what the other until now have to offer.

Super Mario Maker is about to be released though. Finally, to me, this is a game that undoubtedly belongs on a next system, like it belongs on WiiU and couldn't be anywhere else. It's bound to proove the usefulness of the GamePad for sure other than being a glorified map screen. I'm sure of it, even if it's too late for the general public to get interested. We'll see how this game will change my view of the WiiU.

Bravo. You said exactly what many of us believes!

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile