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Aeolus451 said:
Samus Aran said:
Aeolus451 said:

It's not universily considered poor by gamers. I can see why some of xbox and nintendo camp might think that considering that each console focuses on different genres than the others. Someone who dislikes platformers and nintendo like games will think nintendo's line up is poor. It is no different with xbox or playstation if you switch the genres around. 

Personally, I don't care for 'em but if 360 and wii owners are buying remastered PS3 games because they missed out on 'em then I don't see any point of slinging mud at it. 

Lol, where's the proof of that? Time and time again it has been proven that people will buy the same game twice or even trice (just look at Monster Hunter and Pokémon).

Sony PR I guess?

Anyway you ignored a mod's warning...

And there's much more than platformers on a Nintendo console, lol.

I didn't see the mod warning til after I posted. I don't read a thread from the back to the front. Also, my post is on topic and I'm just answering your question.  Anyway, you're saying that it's proven that people (I assume you mean the majority) will buy the same game multiple times and yet provided no proof yourself. You didn't comprehend the part you bolded in my post.

"Personally, I don't care for 'em but if  (keyword) 360 and wii owners are buying remastered PS3 games because they missed out on 'em then I don't see any point of slinging mud at it."  

Another way to word it is "If people are buying remasters because they never played them before, there's no reason to hate on it."

Here's another way to put it. "If this is the case, people shouldn't treat it as bad thing".

I did not pose it as factual statement unlike what you did with "Time and time again it has been proven that people will buy the same game twice or even trice (just look at Monster Hunter and Pokémon)."

I take it you've never been to a Pokémon convention or Pokémon forum. It's pretty common to buy both games, especially during the first two generations. You think different (Japanese) people bought Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate? They were mostly people who also owned Monster Hunter 4. The proof is in the respective boosts both games gave to the 3DS hardware when (and after) they launched.

I owned Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow...

I don't necesarily mean the majority, I mean a considerable amount of people double dip. I know people who own 5 3DS's...