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Are any of you "the cop was wrong" a Police Officer?

Do any of you ACTUALLY understand how dangerous it is to be a Police Officer ANYWHERE in the world.

Do any of you ACTUALLY understand that Police Officers now days get no respect and are threatened when in the past they were looked apon as guardians.

You need to go ask a Police Officer how scary people can be when they come at Police Officers with threatening attitudes and anger. And I would also like to see how you would react in the same situation as the video. Would you Fight or Flight?

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY you need to realise that they save YOUR life because without them you would not live safely like you do!

Try to imagine a world without Police Officers and then go find a Police Officer and thank them for the job they do to keep you safe.

I know a LOT of Police Officers and I know how hard a life it is on them and I say thank you to them for doing what I am not capable of doing!