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I agree with your points; however I think you turned your argument more towards unfinished games (AC Unity, Batman, patches etc) rather than digital vs physical game purchases. 

Resistance Fall of Man is a prime example of a series of games that I bought physical copies of, yet the online servers have been taken down.    The online portion of a game going down has nothing to do with whether or not you buy the game as a physical or digital copy.

I have always been a huge fan of physical games as you have described in your video; however, I think digital copies have a place in the gaming community.  Most would argue that you never officially own the digital game, but rather, the rights to download a copy of the game.  You therefore can never sell this game and get your money back.  I completely agree with this way of thinking.

However, Playstation has provided a system that you can share your games with one other person.  If you and another person agree on buying a certain game, say Call of Duty, then you can simply split the cost of a $60 dollar game.  Now anybody who has resold their game can tell you that you will NEVER get $30 back on a retail game unless if you sell it back day 1.  I therefore firmly believe that digital games have their place in the gaming community, and this one example is the only example where I see it having a leg up on physical games by the simple fact that you get the same for less.  If my friend doesn't want to split the cost of the game with me, then I would most certainly buy a physical copy of the game.