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This generation is pretty lame overall imo. I'm not really THAT interested in most of the games each console has to offer and I pretty much only bought the WiiU for Mario Kart + Smash Bros. (at first) and because I wanted to stick with Nintendo.

The WiiU has some really good games to offer, however, it seems like none of them are particularly great... I dunno, but there's not a single game that had any real lasting impact on me. Mario Kart 8 for example is by far the best installment in it's franchise, same goes for Sm4sh, the problem though: it doesn't feel really that new.

I think the reason for this is mostly that most WiiU games could have been made last gen and gameplay wise, they aren't really refreshing or new (with the obvious exception of Splatoon, which albeit an insanely fun game, failed to fully capture my attention for a longer time).

Having that said, I can't really say that I'm disappointed. Maybe because I didn't expect much after the Wii, or maybe because I knew what I was getting into. I mean... I'm still having fun with it... but sadly not as much as I had with pre-Wii Nintendo consoles.