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Absolutely adored the snes, N64 and Gamecube but then when the wii came out it was quite a few years before I bought one cheap and then most of the time I was still playing gamecube games at least at the beginning. I bought a wii u at release but I've never had the value out of it that I got from earlier Nintendo consoles. It's piss-poor hardware quite frankly and I'm not keen on the gamepad at all. Yes there are some great games that I've enjoyed but the overall package is not great. I wouldn't recommend it to most people only those who are real fans of Nintendo games like Mario and Zelda because there isn't a lot else. Some of the so called great wii u games like Bayonetta 2 seem utterly rubbish to me but then I didn't like the earlier Bayonetta game.

I won't be getting a NX until its built up a reasonable amount of must-have software and if that doesn't happen I doubt I'll get one at all I guess.

I'd love to see the NX as a reasonably powerful console with beautiful and ambitious Mario and Zelda games and Nintendo competing with Sony and Microsoft again across all game genres.