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It's a mixed bag from me.
I have had a great time with my Wii U and continue to do so. The full backwards compatibility was fantastic! Some of the games I have played on it are some of the best games I've EVER played (eg Bayonetta 2, MK8,) and through the EShop I have found some gems such as Trine 2, Nano Assault Neo, Shovel Knight and The Swapper. This, combined with games still on the horizon makes me think that the Wii U has easily been worth my time.

However, the first time I truly felt disappointed was at the last E3. I know I know, they are moving towards NX but the lack of games and the failure to even talk about some of the games they should be showing off ( Fast Racing Neo, Project Zero, Zelda) really left me flat.

When the console was released Nintendo stated that the Wii U could work with 2 gamepads simultaneously. I immediately thought of games like Madden where 2 players playing local multiplayer could play a game together and pick their next plays secretly on the gamepad. Sadly the early loss of EA hurt the confidence in the console (as much as EA are dicks) and if anyone reading this has tried to play Hyrule Warriors in local co-op you'll know that the Wii U console slowed down and often crashed when trying to render the game both on the screen and the gamepad. Wii U just didn't quite deliver on what it set out to do.

If Nintendo just support the Wii U a little longer, and give us the damn Zelda game the console deserves it will go down as a fantastic experience in my eyes. But if it becomes the only console with no proper Zelda game, a 4 year life cycle with the worst 3rd party support ever seen then you have to say it has been a bit of a letdown.