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as long as the controls dont suck, gamers still have a huge advantage. it is ingrained in us to change to the situation. gamers will innovate in order to win.

reviewers are "hardcore." they know its their audience and they do preach to the choir. i also happen to think that they mostly dont like new casual games, because they are used to games with depth instead of all flash like most new ones are. yes im implying that casual games can have depth (saying like gta and smash. pick up and play, but so much game there)

now to comment on brawl. brawl maybe deserves a 9. there are just too many problems and it isnt as fun as melee (although fun is relative). the two things that get me are ice climbers and camping. campy characters just plain win and the ice climbers are broken. chudat showed how to kill using ic chain grab, so there isnt really an excuse. camping characters should have been exposed during beta. tripping is also one of the worst additions to any series i have ever heard of.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.