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I don't think you need to worry about the servers shutting down. It runs on Azure and as the servers get upgraded this will take less and less resources. Ofcourse when your internet or wifi gets interrupted stuff might simply keep falling in the same direction and only interact with the floor or simply disappear. Stuff might lag around too just like in any other multiplayer game when your connection has trouble. Of course we don't know yet what the bandwidth requirements are and how high up it can go during massive destruction.

Anyway considering this was already possible on a single pc in 2011

It's a bit of a shock they need so many servers in 2015 to make a better version.

I'm also wondering how far back they'll have to dial it to get within a decent bandwidth limit and to avoid overloading the GPU with the extra pieces that all still need their own lighting, texturing and shadowing. It's already a far more conservative version than the initial prototype when it comes to breaking stuff up into pieces.

In the new build some stuff simply disappears, for example when the tower hits the building most of the support struts and windows vanish at 1:56

I looks very cool regardless, yet how well it will be suited to actual gameplay I dunno. Hopefully it doesn't follow red faction in betting everything on total destruction.