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Mummelmann said:

I also hope that CDP stays the course and don't fall in the same pit as Bioware and many others and mainstream the hell out of their RPG's until only the skeleton is left, Bethesda are also on their way down the same path but seeing Fallout 4 has given me some hope again. Eager for news about TES VI: Argonia as well.

Yeah, I used to love Bioware (though, even back in those Interplay days, I was alwas more of Black Isle fan), these days I kinda frown everytime I hear they're making something new. Mainstreaming WRPGs is, IMO, slowly but surely killing the core of the genre - I really wish someone has the sense (and balls) to make something like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines again, that was WRPG that had action combat, but was true RPG through and through, with all the different ways you could play it.