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It seems like practically a foregone conclusion at this point, so let's just assume NX is a home console launching Holiday 2016, and that Zelda Wii U will be released more or less simultaneously on Wii U and NX at that time, as with Twilight Princess on GameCube and Wii ten years prior.

What will be the selling point of the NX version? What will be the major difference between the two?

For reference, Twilight Princess featured light motion controls (pointer for ranged weapons, waggle for sword attacks), an arbitrarily mirrored game world, and I think widescreen support? Because it actually did not support the GameCube or Classic Controller on Wii, and therefore lacked free camera control, dual analogue for ranged weapons, and simple 'B button' sword swings, the GameCube version is generally considered the superior or at least definitive version of the game. Will the same be true of Zelda Wii U -- will the NX port actually be considered a slight downgrade?