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Having cameras and monitoring the time their employees take during breaks isn't surprising nor something that extraordinary. The email thing is odd, because I'm quite sure that there must be lost of employees that no longer know their e-mail adress or the e-mail from other co-workers, so their job is harder than it could be, but if they are finewith their employees losing time whenever they want to send e-mails, that's up to them.

Now, publicy announcing which employees have taken a longer than usual break (which we don't know why) to shame them, or mobbing employees to make them resign (which I assume is cheaper that firing them), or the Facebook thing... I don't know which laws have Japan, but in a lot of countries that's not legal.

Well, at least we know how will Konami disappear: it will explode from the inside once their employees leave en masse.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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